New version 0.9.28

Again no new planets (I know) but more preparation for when more nasty planets will be added (next update?). nevertheless I think you might like this update.

  • Attack certain mobs (e.g. thugs) will now not trigger security (depending on local law).
  • Secret compartment item that gives a high chance of security checks not finding any illegal items you carry.
  • "smuggling" gong that decreases the chance of being checked by security and increases the chance of a secret compartment successfully hiding illegal items.
  • When stopped by security (random or at spaceport (not at customs)) and illegal items are found you can now bribe them.
  • Some new food items.
  • "girly blouse" drink that gives a buff to smuggling and personal melee weapon gongs and slows down time by 0.5.
  • Fixed can't store drugs in container. (Thanks to Brian).
  • Ignoring traffic control now only gives you a ticket instead of a fine unless you already have a ticket then it's replaced with a fine. (Security still always scrambles).
  • Zones can now have an "apathetic security" indicator which makes security not activate when you attack other mobs (unless that mob is security), security-checks are also a lot less likely to occur (at spaceport or random (not customs)) and security will normally not activate for minor things (e.g. when you're drunk or don't have a permit).
  • Rarer items are now less rare (they're more commonly found at traders).
  • Game now automatically pauses when a time slowdown effect ends. This can be turned off with the "Pause when time slowdown ends" setting (see
  • "phase-shift" and "repulsor" can now break you out of a stun and when phase shift is active you can't be stunned at all.
  • Fix Yamo rocks and mountains are too bright at night.
  • Fix all kinds of issues with the "beggar rings" storyline. (Thanks to RockinRowl).
  • Fix eating food and then using a gong and getting gong sickness and thus hungry doesn't remove digesting food. (Thanks to Brian).
  • Mantra, a 5 letter grey code seen underneath or next-to the names of most sites and planets that can be redeemed at a Catalog using the QUERY MANTRA topic for a bookmark to the nearest site or planet of that type. This can be used by players to share found locations with each other (the mantras are the same across all games). Often the shared locations won't be exactly the same from one game/player to the next but they will be of same type (similar). See manual: Note that this is sort of a "meta" feature and can spoil the game and certain storylines (the point of the game normally is to discover things yourself).
  • "expense compensation" surcharge that makes it so passengers pay for certain item expenditures (e.g. weapons) during the fare.
  • "expense compensation" gong that increases the amount a passenger compensates for certain item expenditures during their fare.
  • Warp beacon list is now ordered alphabetically. (Thanks Brian).

Next up: more planets???

Files 359 MB
17 hours ago


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